Update From Wells Harbour Master

Following my last post I contacted the Wells Harbour Master, Robert Smith, who replied almost immediately to my query about the harbour works bearing no resemblance to what was originally published. Below is am extract from his email response.

The new works going on down at the beach are coming together nicely so far, but please remember this is still a work in progress and will not look, when its finished in the Spring, like it does today, i.e. a building site. The sand batter (breakwater) we hope will vegetate within six months so hopefully will blend in as natural dunes. This is quite an important stage as the batter will help protect the area where the vessels will moor from easterly and southerly storms, as the Beach bank and the Lifeboat point to the north protects the area from the other directions.

The jetty and pontoons will be arriving early February and should be in place by the end of February and the first boats are expected to arrive end of March.

The dredger during the next week or two will be going to the shipyard in Gt. Yarmouth to have some modifications to the spudlegs. Once it returns mid-December, we will then start digging in the channel.


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mike butcher - December 11, 2009 Reply

I, like yourself, and many other members of the public are puzzled as to what is going on at Wells, up to the start of construction I was told, and given at the public meeting hosted by the windfarm operators, and the harbour staff an A4 sheet of an artist impression of the jetty,as you stated this shows a finger jetty,with floating pontoons attached to the end of it, the same basic construction is shown on the nndc planning application,I might also add that from all the proposals I have read and approval given that, dredging was only to take place in the main channel,not the creation of a new channel to connect the present construction to the main channel which is what appears to be taking place,

admin - December 11, 2009 Reply

From what I have been told a finger pier and floating pontoons are to be installed and the present construction work is to build sand banks to protect the pontoons from easterly winds. Obviously the sand banks to the east and south were not shown in the artists impression.
As for the dredging, the minimum water depth will have to be maintained all the way to the pontoons otherwise there is no point in doing any of it. Unfortunately I cannot see anything first hand as I do not live in the UK, I have to rely on photos from friends and family. I believe that the barge will be returning to Wells soon, from a visit to the builders, and then the dredging will start.

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