Wells Outer Harbour Work Completed

Wells-next-the-Sea Outer Harbour work is now complete except for connecting up the utilities according to the the Harbour website. The outer harbour has been constructed to support the new Sheringham Shoal Wind Farm and consists of 150m of floating pontoons inside a harbour built from sandbanks to the east and south, a re-profiled beach to the north and the ‘beach bank’ to the west.
It is expected that grass and plants will grow in the sandbanks over time to give a more natural appearance and help to protect and strengthen the banks.
Signs have been posted to remind people to keep of the sandbanks to protect them and the ground nesting birds that should take advantage of the new banks.
Dredging continues in the main channel which will not only give better access to the outer harbour but to the port as well. Although the work has been done to support the SSWF it is hoped that Wells will be able to take advantage of the wind energy boom and support other offshore wind farms that may be constructed in the future.
This helps to maintain Wells-next-the-Sea as a working port, thereby creating jobs and business opportunities.
Picture publish by kind permission of WellsHarbour.co.uk
Picture taken by Mike Page: Aerial Photography